Meet the Geeks

The Token Girl, the Computer Guy, the Great Debater, the Dungeon-Crawler, the Fanboy.

The token girl: Meg. Gamer, storyteller, and professional writer. Fan of engrossing plots and believable characters; plays for fun, escapism, achievement score. Dreams of someday getting all Orange Box achievements. Dating Randy.

The computer guy: Randy. Reformed WoW rogue theory-crafter, still retains elitist edge. May or may not be gaming hipster. Game-breaker. Loves to PVP. Plays to win. Dating Meg.

The great debater: Vian. Master of rhetoric, uses powers for evil by fueling massive gaming debates. Student of gaming theory, loves to analyze and assess. Sometimes in danger of being swatted around violently with pillow by Meg. Engaged to Tracy.

The dungeon-crawler: Tracy. Fan of geekiest aspects of geek culture. Used to LARP, loves D&D. Gaming savant. Does staggeringly accurate GIR impressions at inopportune times. Engaged to Vian.

The fanboy: Bordwine. The prototypical geeky guy. Incredibly passionate about his geekdoms, unashamed of what he loves. Voice gets really high and excitable when discussing gaming. Rooming with Vian and Tracy.