Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Geeks Divided

Okay, dear readers, I come bearing some bummer-ish news. As of yesterday, the dream of the Geek Lair in its original inception finally died.

You have died.
We've done some house-hunting and some soul-searching lately, and finally reached a realization: due to financial and time constraints, we could not rent a house for the four of us without one of the two couples having to take a serious financial hit, and that wasn't fair to anyone. The Geek Lair, shining beacon of fandom that it was, had to fall.

But! It's not all bad news. With the couples pursuing their own housing options, Vian and Tracy are free to take over two open leases in Bordwine's house, sparing him a move, and Randy and I can find an apartment of our own. So now, rather than four geeks/one roof, it's gonna be five geeks/two separate roofs. And, although we won't be sharing living space, we'll still be around each other all the time; I see no need to quit blogging about the geekiness we get up to.

So fret not - the Geek Lair, while slightly different in concept, isn't going anywhere.

Additionally, I hope to be able to get some of the guys involved in blogging as well, to let them express themselves and (hopefully) contribute something useful to this blog. I'll have more details as they develop!

In the meantime, I'm off to hunt for an apartment. Wish me luck, readers!


  1. is not even bummed about not being a geek. However, am bummed about the lack of one-house-to-rule-them-all! =(

  2. Dearest Gretchen, you know you are always one of my geeks. The Geek Lair is simply limited in scope for the time being; maybe, if I get ambitious with the blog, I might be willing to incorporate an artsy geek ...
